1)Photo Zoom : +Photo Zoom is a simple extension providing fast and simple zooming for photos within your Google+ Stream. Just hover over the image you wish to zoom and +Photo Zoom will load the enlarged version of the picture.
Click here for Extension
2) Surplus : This plugin opens Google+ account in a pop window from Navigation Bar.
* Post or respond from within the popup
* Desktop Notifications
* Notification sounds
* Switch between multiple Google accounts

3) Start G+ : This extension helps to put your Facebook and Twitter streams inside your Google Plus. Automatically post to Facebook and Twitter whenever you share something on Google Plus. It also adds a Gmail inbox notifier to the top bar, so that you do not have to keep a gmail tab open. Clicking on the Gmail icon shows a menu with the unread messages that let you access your emails directly inside Google+.

4) Share+ Social Buttons for Google Plus : Similar Plugin like Start G+. This Chrome extension will add a context-link icon below your Google Plus post in order to share your post to some well-known social platforms.

5) G+ Extended : This extension adds some much needed shortcuts for users of Google+.
Press “+” for +1′ing a post.
Press “-” for removing your +1 on a post.
Press “p” to toggle your +1 on a post.
Press “s” to share a post.
Press “e” to expand older comments on a post.
Click here for Extension
6) Helper for Google+ : This extension adds twitter and translate link to every Google Plus post. Translate posts with Google Translate to language specified by you.

7) Usability Boost for Google Plus : Google+ layout is simple and elegant. This extension helps to focus on the content, separating visually posts and comments.The Google/Notification bar stays at a fixed position on top so you’ll never miss a notification again.

8) Notification Count for Google Plus or GPlus notifications: This plugin creates a notification button on the top navigational bar in your chrome browser. The button will show when a new update,comment notification about your Google plus account.
Click here for Extension
9) Facebook Like for Google plus : This extension adds “Facebook Like” button instead of “+1 button” in your Google+ account .

10) Google +1 & Facebook Like : Recommend any webpage via Google +1 [plus one] and Facebook LIKE in just 2 clicks. Its Simple, Fast and Light weight..
Click here for Extension
11) Color Plus : Color Plus is a Chrome extension that lets you change the color of the Google Plus bar because the gray is utterly boring.

12) -1 Minus One : This extension adds -1 button in Google+ . Its a similar one to Facebook’s dislike button.

13) +Comment Toggle : +Comment Toggle hides any comments to posts within your Stream and makes them available if and when you actually want to see them.

14) Facebook style Theme for Google+: Facebook+ is a new extension for Google Chrome which transforms the look of Google+ and makes it similar to Facebook. Facebook+ is a simple extension to change some of the elements in Google+ to look like Facebook.

15) Extended Share for Google Plus : This add-on helps to share Google Plus Posts on other social network Sites. Google+ does not have a quick way sharing your posts to Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, this extension will add a link “Share on …” to each post. Once clicked, it will bring up an internal bubble asking you where to share your post.

2) Surplus : This plugin opens Google+ account in a pop window from Navigation Bar.
* Post or respond from within the popup
* Desktop Notifications
* Notification sounds
* Switch between multiple Google accounts

Click here for Extension

Click here for Extension
5) G+ Extended : This extension adds some much needed shortcuts for users of Google+.
Press “+” for +1′ing a post.
Press “-” for removing your +1 on a post.
Press “p” to toggle your +1 on a post.
Press “s” to share a post.
Press “e” to expand older comments on a post.
Click here for Extension
6) Helper for Google+ : This extension adds twitter and translate link to every Google Plus post. Translate posts with Google Translate to language specified by you.

Click here for Extension
7) Usability Boost for Google Plus : Google+ layout is simple and elegant. This extension helps to focus on the content, separating visually posts and comments.The Google/Notification bar stays at a fixed position on top so you’ll never miss a notification again.

Click here for Extension
8) Notification Count for Google Plus or GPlus notifications: This plugin creates a notification button on the top navigational bar in your chrome browser. The button will show when a new update,comment notification about your Google plus account.

9) Facebook Like for Google plus : This extension adds “Facebook Like” button instead of “+1 button” in your Google+ account .

10) Google +1 & Facebook Like : Recommend any webpage via Google +1 [plus one] and Facebook LIKE in just 2 clicks. Its Simple, Fast and Light weight..
Click here for Extension
11) Color Plus : Color Plus is a Chrome extension that lets you change the color of the Google Plus bar because the gray is utterly boring.

Click here for Extension
12) -1 Minus One : This extension adds -1 button in Google+ . Its a similar one to Facebook’s dislike button.

Click here for Extension

Click here for Extension
14) Facebook style Theme for Google+: Facebook+ is a new extension for Google Chrome which transforms the look of Google+ and makes it similar to Facebook. Facebook+ is a simple extension to change some of the elements in Google+ to look like Facebook.

Click here for Extension
15) Extended Share for Google Plus : This add-on helps to share Google Plus Posts on other social network Sites. Google+ does not have a quick way sharing your posts to Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, this extension will add a link “Share on …” to each post. Once clicked, it will bring up an internal bubble asking you where to share your post.

Click here for Extension