Saturday, 23 July 2011

Start G+ for Google Plus

Start Google+ is designed to help you jump right in to Google's new social network. Here's a few things that the plugin can do:

* Put your Facebook and Twitter streams inside your Google Plus stream, complete with "Stream" links on the side and rich media

* Automatically post to Facebook AND Twitter whenever you share something on Google Plus (you can turn this on/off from within the share window in Google Plus - see the screenshots)

* Add a Gmail inbox notifier to the top bar, so that you do not have to keep a gmail tab open. Clicking on the Gmail icon shows a menu with the unread messages that let you access your emails directly inside Google+.

This plugin adds features to the Google Plus website within the Chrome browser. After installing, you will not notice much different - except new items appear within the website, such as the Gmail notification icon you see in the screenshots. There is a help section in the drop-down menu, so you can learn more about the usage of the app there.


* The Chrome extension WidgetBlock does not work with this plugin and will break it. WidgetBlock, like a few other  plugins, intentionally breaks Facebook Connect features.

Click Here To download Extension.

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