Monday, 11 July 2011

How to Add Google +1 Button in Google Chrome Browser

Google has just released the Google +1 button which help visitors to give a recommendation to Google and your friends about any site. This helps to recommend good websites on Google search. When you search in Google, you can see the search results which are shared by your friends with the help of +1 button.
2.Click +1 to publicly give something your stamp of approval. Your +1's can help friends, contacts, and others on the web find the best stuff when they search.
  •    +1 the current page with only one click
  •    Check if you already +1'd the current page
  •    Check how many people +1'd the current page

All features directly from your omnibox's icon, without the need of open a new popup!
  •     0.2.1 - Fix memory leak
  •     0.2.0 - Speed improvement, error handling, minor bug fixes
  •     0.1.1 - Fix auto +1 on every site
  •     0.1.0 - Initial Release.
 This extension can access:
  •     Your data on .This permission is necessary to add the url to your google account
  •     Your browsing history. This permission is necessary to get the url of the page you want to +1.
Click here for Extension

How To Upload iPhone Photos to Google+ | iphone photos to Google+

Who says Android phone users get to have all the fun uploading photos to Google+? You can do that with an iPhone, too, using any app that can send pics to Google‘s image organizer, Picasa.

Flet’s use an ad-supported app called Piconhand, available free on the App Store.

Once you have the app downloaded and installed, follow The following Steps.
1.Sign in with your Google Credentials. Then you will see the list of your existing Albums

2.Be sure your Location Services Turned on.

Create  a new Mobile album 
Or name it whatever you wish,perhaps a circle name you'd like to access to.This gives you control of who gets to see this pics in google plus.
Select "Upload", pick a picasa album,but nothing happens untill you tap "start"
Choose a pic from your library or take a new one. The app let you to edit pics if you chhose that in preferences.
You'll see a progress bar when the pics are uploading.
After they are uploaded,go to Google+ and adjust the visibility of the album where you uploaded those photos,assigning that folder to that folder to the various circles you'd like to allow to see those pics.
This is a quick and easy way to send photos to Google+, and will suffice until Apple finally approves a Google+ app for iOS. But we won’t be holding our breath waiting for that.

Change Google Plus Bar Color Using Chrome Extensions

Not many of us are happy with Google tweaking color of their toolbar that runs above all major offerings with links to recently launched Google Plus network. While this Google Plus bar itself is useful especially with notifications from Google+ that always stays on top the black color plays the spoil sport. But don’t worry as cool kids out there will always have an alternative. Here is one such tweak in the form of Chrome extension.

There exists ready-made Chrome extensions for some colors like Blue, Green, Pink and for all other colors you can tweak the script file in code package. Details are available on the developer page here. All you have to do is download the code [link] and then change the color code in contentscript.js file. And then to install the newly cooked extension on Chrome you have to open Extensions, click on “Load unpacked extension” and load the unzipped folder. Good to go.


  1. Blue
  2. Pink
  3. Green
More Colours Will be Updated soon  Keep Tuning.

Google Plus Posts to Facebook and Twitter | Automatically Cross Post Google Plus Posts to Facebook & Twitter

We already shared a Chrome extension that lets you share Google Plus messages or posts to Facebook and Twitter. But that was limited to already existing posts on your timeline and not to the new posts you send. So you had to share a post to circles and then send it to Facebook or Twitter. With this new feature rich Chrome extension each Google Plus posts can be pushed to Facebook and Twitter too.

Start G+, a Chrome extension that lets you automatically share Google Plus posts to Facebook and Twitter. Once after installing this plugin a new Facebook and Twitter toggle buttons appear near to the native circles tabs below status space. Now while updating Google Plus profile you can select to send the same message to other social platforms.

As an added feature you can  also enable and disable Gmail browser-based notification from the tab on Google bar on top. If you click on Gmail icon it will display unread messages. Gmail and Google Plus unread notifications all from a single tab.

Click Here for Extention.