Top Scientists and Science Writers To Follow In Google Plus
+Philip Plait Astronomer
+PZ Myers Biologist
+Maggie Koerth-Baker Science editor
+Fraser Cain Publisher Of University today
+Nikolay Koldunov Arctic Oceanography
+Sean Carroll Physicist at Caltech. Master of time and space.
+Adrian West Astronomer
+Pamela Gay Astronomer
+Nicole Gugliucci Noisy astronomer
+Emily Lakdawalla Planetary Society blogger, space writer
+John Baez Mathematician and physicist
+Joerg Heber Physicist,Science writer
+Rebecca Watson Skepchick
+Gail Barnes Physicist
+Brad Snowder Astroholic
+Diogo Melo Physicist, Writer, Philosopher
+Andrew Jones Editor at Black Gate magazine
+Ian O'Neill Space Producer for Discovery News
+Ray Sanders Sci-Fi geek, astronomer